Category Archives: Travel

Screenwriting retreat in Costa Rica

Well, I’m now preparing to go to Costa Rica for 11 days, to take part […]

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You don’t know what pretzels are…?

I am really sick and tired when: I walk into a Duane Reade here in the middle of NYC on […]

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April 2nd, 2008

JEWTOPIA has been having a great run, and playing to an almost full house every night. That’s very good considering […]

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Wed Oct 31, 2007

(I corrected the address & the pictures can be viewed now) All the photos from the Munich, Germany trip can […]

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Mar 20th

Didn’t get cast in “Jersey Boys“… personally I don’t think I was right for the […]

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Fly the friendly skies….

11:40AM Jet Blue Terminal at JFK airport in New York. I’m sitting in the terminal waiting for my flight to […]

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“Baby, It’s cold outside…”

First, I never heard anything about the Studio Dante audition….but you never know… Ok let’s try & end this evening […]

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France Day 11 Wed Oct 25th

Wed Oct 25th 9:00pm I was hoping to get online at McDonalds this morning , but no wi-fi was available. […]

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France Day 10 Tue Oct 24th

Tues Oct 24th 7:30am I woke up this morning and it was pouring rain outside. Yuck! There go all my […]

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France Day 9 Mon Oct 23rd

Mon Oct 23rd 10:15pm What an exciting day! I did not have a good night’s sleep, tossing and turning and […]

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