Monthly Archives: March 2011

“I’m heading to… um.. wait a sec, I think I know where I’m going…”

This past week I saw two shows on Broadway:   WONDERLAND, a new Frank Wildhorn musical, […]

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Don’t live by rules, live by YOUR OWN ideals and values!

You can’t do this… don’t do that… My folks wouldn’t like it if I did… […]

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Central Station in Antwerpen, Belgium goes la, la, la… or is it doe, re, mi?

I loved this 2 years ago when it first came out & I saw it […]

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Thumbs up!

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Who am I? And what do I do when I’m labeled?

I’ve been following  the blog of a very interesting guy, Colin Wright at He’s […]

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If smiling makes me feel good, why don’t I smile more?

I bet there is not one person out there who can’t agree with me that […]

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It’s time for a change…

How do you change a life goal? Do you wake up one morning and say […]

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Don’t settle for anything less.

As I drank my cup of coffee this morning I thought “this really tastes good”. And it’s not by coincidence […]

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Leaving Palm Springs, next stop the Battlefield.

As OTHER DESERT CITIES closes at Lincoln Center, we were graced with the attendance of many celebrities and public figures […]

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